The video release of American soldiers [Islamic State] leaders raid ...

[Islamic State] leaders of the entourage, Kurdish militia and US ...

The video release of American soldiers [Islamic State] leaders raid ... [Islamic State] leaders of the entourage, Kurdish militia and US troops killed Minority Kurds mainly of militia organization of Syria Mazurumu commander of the Syrian Democratic Forces] is the day, conducting joint operations with the US military, in northern Syria, the Islamic militant organization Abu Hassan of the spokesperson of the [Islamic State] Muha It announced that it had killed Jill suspect. According to the Britain of the private organizations [Syrian Observatory for Human Rights], are shelling the vehicle riding the Muhajiru suspects, at least people were killed. Muhajiru suspect, died in the strategy the US military went to day, is that it was the leader Abu Bakr bug Dadi suspect entourage of [Islamic State].

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