The video release of American soldiers [Islamic State] leaders raid ...

Meaning and usage of [the Islamic Maghreb Al-Qaeda Organization

The video release of American soldiers [Islamic State] leaders raid ... Al-Qaeda organization in the Islamic Maghreb How to read: al-Qaeda of the Islamic Maghreb organization Alias: AQIM, Islamic Maghreb of the al-Qaeda organization, the Islamic mug ribs countries of the al-Qaeda organization, Islamic mug ribs countries of the al-Qaeda organization, al-Qaeda of the Islamic Maghreb, the Islamic Maghreb al-Qaeda mechanism English: Al-Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb Military organization of Islamist based in Algeria. The overthrow of the Algerian government as the main objective, and terrorist attacks against the Algerian government and military, has made such foreigners kidnapped in the ransom, it is generally considered to be a terrorist organization. Until 00 years had identified himself with the [Salafi movement's group for preaching and combat (GSPC)], was renamed in the Islamic Maghreb Al-Qaeda Organization in 2000, self-proclaimed member of the international terrorist organization [al-Qaeda] It became so. Al-Qaeda organization in the Islamic Maghreb countries, has offices in Maghreb countries around the North Africa with a focus on Algeria, are many of the members that it is Algerian.

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