The video release of American soldiers [Islamic State] leaders raid ...

Islamic terrorism: life in the occupied area of ​​the [Islamic countries]

The video release of American soldiers [Islamic State] leaders raid ... Islamic terrorism: life in the occupied area of ​​the [Islamic countries] [Islamic countries] prohibits the movement of residents of the occupied area outside. Sick of serious illness is to obtain a travel permit from Hisuba (public morals enforcement agencies in the Islamic countries]), 00 dollars along with the companion you pay to the Islamic countries] can move to the occupied land outside. On the other hand, between the members and the residents are buying is rampant, if you pay even money, it is possible to obtain a permit. If there is this permit, it can pass through all the checkpoints in the Islamic countries. [Islamic countries] is executed a person that is a Maya Dean city, hung the corpse in the square. At night, but the family has put away the corpse, the next day on the [Islamic countries] persons have to cut the arms of their families, picked up the corpse dug a grave, threw on the road. Women covers the whole body with black clothes, go out as long as the relatives of entrainment not are not allowed, not even to buy vegetables at the outdoor.

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